How to register for the ELP Test
The only way to register for the ELP Test is by using our online registration form. You can register anytime – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The deadline to register online for a test is three working days before the test date. Spell your name exactly as it is spelled on the identification you will bring on test day.The Test Fee is 160 EUR incl VAT per candidate per test. Aerosolutions only accepts bank transfer as a valid method of payment.
Please pay your Test Fee within three working days after you have completed the online registration and send a copy of the bank transfer receipt by email to Aerosolutions. When making payment, please enter your name and the ELP Registration Number. Your ELP Test registration is not valid until Aerosolutions has received full payment.
Once you have completed the payment, we will contact you within 2 business days to select testing date / time. If you have not received a registration confirmation email within 3 business days, please contact Aerosolutions immediately.
Note: Do not send cash for payment.
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