Products and competences
For many years, Aerosolutions has been developing aviation products for the training of pilots. Our training solutions allow pilots to benefit from online-based training during all phases of the training process.
With its Online Training Center, Aerosolutions offers you the ideal platform to receive training whenever and wherever you like. It is your home base for first-class aviation training using the Internet - accessible day and night from any PC.
At present, Aerosolutions offers the following comprehensive series of online products and services for all kinds of pilot training including initial, recurrent, refresher and license conversion training:
- ATPL question database
- CPL question database
- IR question database
- PPL question database
- ATPL course textbooks
- JAA license conversion
- ICARUS Learning Management System
All our online training products are continuously refined and expanded in close collaboration with training organisations and aviation authorities worldwide. We ensure that our training products are always up-to-the-minute and oriented towards the latest aviation requirements.