Recommendations for training
Aerosolutions' Aviation English Placement Test (AEP Test) is a comprehensive testing system that helps place candidates into appropriate Aviation English courses and maximizes their chances for success.

The Placement Test is used to assess speaking and listening proficiency in plain English and evaluates language proficiency in the following six proficiency criteria:

  • Pronunciation
  • Structure
  • Vocabulary
  • Fluency
  • Comprehension
  • Interactions

Our proficiency descriptors clearly define each candidate's skill levels and capabilities. As a result, students can be accurately placed in Aviation English courses that are right for them.

The listening section is computer adaptive and measures the examinee’s ability to understand English. This section consists of a number of traditional multiple-choice questions with four answer choices.

The speaking section assesses how effectively candidates can communicate in English and measures the examinee’s ability to respond to different aviation related situations and tasks. The speaking test is recorded and takes 20-25 minutes.

Rating and reporting processes are controlled by accredited Aerosolutions personnel to maintain test security and quality. Once the Placement Test is completed, candidates receive placement recommendations for Aviation English language courses and obtain an overall score. Results will be produced within two weeks after the test.

Oman Air extends contract with Aerosolutions
Oman Air and Aerosolutions have reached an agreement to extend the contract for the use of the ELP Test for another five years.
More than 40.000 pilots have taken the ELP Test
Since 2008, the Aerosolutions ELP Test has been used by airlines and aviation training centers worldwide.
Aerosolutions is looking for operational assessors
To reinforce its assessor team, Aerosolutions is looking for external Operational Assessors.
Over 20,000 candidates have now completed the Aerosolutions English Language Proficiency Test
More than 20,000 Aviation English Language Proficiency tests (ELP) were taken in the past years, making our ELP test one of the most widely used in the world. It is recognized by leading airlines, aviation training academies and language institutes.
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